Publications Position:Papers
Wang Z†, Shi Y†, Liu F, Wang H, Liu X, Sun R, Lu Y, Ji L, Wang ZL*, Cheng J*. 2020. Distributed mobile ultraviolet light sources driven by ambient mechanical stimuli. Nano Energy, 2020; 74:104910. (封面文章,IF=15.5)
Wang K, Lu Y, Cheng J*, Zhu X, Ji L. Quantitative electrostatic force measurement and characterization based on oscillation amplitude using atomic force microscopy. AIP Advances, 2020; 10:015143.
Huo H†, Liu F†, Luo Y, Gu Q, Liu Y, Wang Z, Chen R, Ji L, Lu Y*, Yao R*, Cheng J*. Triboelectric nanogenerators for electro-assisted cell printing. Nano Energy, 2020; 67:104150. (封底文章,IF=15.5)
Cao M, Lu Y, Cheng J*, Ji L. Electrical description of an inductively coupled plasma processing reactor with discharge parameters calculated from a global model. AIP Advances, 2020; 10:035216.
Jia, T., Liu, K., Qian, C., Li, C.*, & Ji, L. (2020). Denoising Algorithm for Event-Related Desynchronization-Based Motor Intention Recognition in Robot-assisted Stroke Rehabilitation Training with Brain-Machine Interaction. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 108909.
Jia, T., Liu, K., Lu, Y., Liu, Y., Li, C.*, Ji, L., & Qian, C. (2020). Small-Dimension Feature Matrix Construction Method for Decoding Repetitive Finger Movements From Electroencephalogram Signals. IEEE Access, 8, 56060-56071.
贾天宇,钱超,李翀*,季林红,刘爱贤,方伯言.(2020). 基于个性化导联选择策略的脑机交互康复训练临床初步研究[J/OL].清华大学学报(自然科学版):1-7.
Jia, T., Liu, K., Lu, Y., Liu, Y., Li, C., Ji, L., & Qian, C. (2020). Small-Dimension Feature Matrix Construction Method for Decoding Repetitive Finger Movements From Electroencephalogram Signals. IEEE Access, 8, 56060-56071.
Li, Y., Guan, X., Han, X., Tang, Z., Meng, K., Shi, Z., … & Ji, L. (2020). Design and preliminary validation of a lower limb exoskeleton with compact and modular actuation. IEEE Access, 8, 66338-66352.