Research Position:Direction
摩擦纳米发电机 TENG


Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is a device that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy based on the principles of frictional electrification and electrostatic induction. It highly meets the requirements of the miniaturization, energy saving, high safety and comfort proposed by health care devices. Thus, TENG has received more and more attention in recent years.


形式各异、功能不一的TENG相关器件大量涌现并服务于人类卫生健康的改善。为了梳理上述成果,启发TENG在该领域的未来发展。本课题组在Science Bulletin上发表题为“Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Human-health Care”(用于人类卫生健康的摩擦纳米发电机)的综述论文。梳理 100余项研究成果,总结了四大类TENG健康相关应用方向的研究进展及应用情况。(Science Bulletin, 2020)

A large number of devices with different forms and functions have been proposed and used for the improvement of human health. For inspiring TENG's future development in this field, our group published a review entitled "Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Human-health Care" on Science Bulletin. Sorting out more than 100 research results, this review summarized the research progress and recent status of the four major categories of health-related applications. (Science Bulletin, 2020)

Power Backpack Based on Load-suspended System for Energy Harvesting and Reduced Load Impact


Considering the fact that there is a cumulative fatigue caused by the research equipment and wearable electronics in backpack when taking the outdoor hiking, research exploration and athletic training, etc. This cumulative fatigue will impair the human performance. Moreover, the demanded electricity is limited by the energy storage and lifetime of batteries. Here, a power backpack based on load-suspended system for energy harvesting and reduced load impact is proposed and two elastomers and pulley blocks are incorporated to decouple the synchronous movement of the load and the human body, which realizes the labor-saving and shock absorption. In addition, based on the electrostatic induction and triboelectrification effects as the primary principle of triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG), it can harvest the vibration energy with continuous electricity in walking and running. This backpack provides a feasible solution for the problems of accumulative fatigue and electricity supply in the wild walking with heavy loads and has great potential for the scientific research and market applications.